I yelled out and it flew away.
Later I asked google what a visit by a dragonfly means. I received various links to some pretty out there stuff. I liked one article that explained the visit meant that you were supposed to pay more attention to the present. Stop living in the past or future. Stay present.
So that article stayed with me for a long time and I actually began to change my life. I began to live more in the now.
I told the story about the dragonfly visit several times. One day I got a call from a friend who wondered why there was a mirror on my fire escape? Oh that? I quibbled.
It's a piece of aluminum foil I put up to attract birds. It must have read like a mirror from a distance.
I then realized that my dragonfly visit had nothing to do with me. Or time. He was drawn to the odd square of light emanating from behind me. The juxa-position of myself and the mirror created an unexpected glow of light from behind and intrigued the creature.
So the dragonfly visited me regardless - just not the reason I thought.
And his story and telling his story over and over helped change my life for the better and "woke me up" from my stupor of working in a world with no imagination. I could live! and flourish and draw my strength from my imagination, like I've done my whole life.
It reminded me of when I asked my father how time passed for him at 85 years old. He replied - "it's like one very long day - from birth to old age". Dad died at 98 and 10 months. His life must have seemed like watching a film in fast forward - everything and everyone, moving and talking at an incomprehensible speed.